Great War Archive

About the Project

The Great War Archive contains over 6,500 digital items contributed by the general public between March and June 2008. Every item originates from, or relates to, someone's experience of the First World War, either abroad or at home. Contributions were received via a special website and also through a series of open days at libraries and museums throughout the country.

The original Great War Archive initiative accepted contributions until June 2008. After that, people have been invited to share images that they have by posting them to The Great War Archive Flickr Group or through some of the initiatives inspired by the Great War Archive, such as the large, international Europeana 1914-1918 and the UK-based Lest We Forget. The model developed by the Great War Archive has also been used by other projects creating digital archives around other topics. Oxford IT Services ran a blog showcasing items from the collection, the Editor's Pick Blog.

The Great War Archive was highly commended at the Times Higher Educational Awards 2008 for 'Outstanding ICT Initiative'. Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this initiative and assisted in our open days.

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